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Bringing you pure, undiluted organic flow form Wide Spectrum CBG with a huge, wide spectrum of cannabinoids contained within a 1ml tank, this Realest CBG Bar Disposable Vape Pen will bring so much vaping goodness thanks to the massive strength of 500mg.
After just puffing this, you'll certainly feel the commonly cited "entourage effect" due to the massive cannabinoid profile derived from 100% purely extracted proprietary blend and natural real terpenes.
The Realest CBG Bar is more than up to the challenge of delivering such a massive taste of cannabinoid through unrivalled, industry defining technology to create effortless, reliable and pure vaping experiences. Just simply inhale it and enjoy. Once depleted, just simply dispose of it as there is no need to refill or recharge the device.
Directions: Keep in rooms above 5℃.
THC content<0.2%