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The Ultimate CBD Isolate oil. Because CBD Asylum is not just the tastiest CBD Outfit on Earth, they're also the most advanced.
Sometimes, just sometimes, things get real serious at CBD Asylum, and this is one of those moments. They have put the Willy Wonka-esque Top Hat and Tux down, and donned their white coats for some laboratoire time.
The Mission? To create the world’s most effective, most advanced CBD Isolate based Oil. The result? Absolute! How could CBD Asylum stand out? How could they improve its effectiveness for their customers? They had to think outside the box, the box being CBD. So many aspects of a CBD Oil go untouched - the carrier oil for one, or how about the terpenes profile or flavours used? Not with Absolute.
CBD Asylum have engineered their own terpenes profile specifically geared towards alleviating the stresses and strains of everyday life - Mother Nature can’t even design something to cope with how hectic it is nowadays, CBD Asylums' scientists can. The carrier oil is next level - they use a proprietary blend of pomegranate seed oil which is a great anti-inflammatory, avocado oil for its good fats and MCT Oil for that everyday goodness and neutral taste. Added to that, a dash of peppermint oil to freshen the whole thing up a little and provide you with some great soothing properties, and you’ve got the single most complete, most effective CBD Oil on the market today.
Absolute perfection…
Absolute blend™; Avocado Oil, Pomegranate Seed Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Cannabidiol Oil, Terpenes, Peppermint Essential Oil.
THC content<0.2%